The University is closely monitoring the rapidly evolving situation on the coronavirus and associated COVID-19 disease, and emergency procedures are in place.
The Office of Research is open. Please note that our staff is teleworking, but can be reached by email or by phone at their campus number. The information at this link provides research-related guidance as of 6/29/2023. We will continue to update this page as needed. Please contact us at or 262-7459 with specific questions.
The Office of Research provides support for the research, creative, and scholarly endeavors of Appalachian faculty, staff, and students. The Office of Research also collaborates with Special Funds Accounting on the fiscal management of awarded projects.

Research Development, Consultations, Finding Funding Opportunities, Applying for Internal & 安卓加速器 Grants, Sample Proposals, Editorial Assistance, Data Management Plans

Proposal & Budget Preparation, Proposal Submission, Sponsored & Special Agreements (Material Transfer, Data Use, & Confidentiality), Project Management, Fellowship Proposals, 土豆加速器app
Reminder: Invitation to join OR for 4th chat about research in the current environment
We invite you to join us for a fourth informal conversation on the current state of research at Appalachian State University on Tuesday...
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Call for Submissions: RECAPP 2023 (Virtual)
The Office of Research is hosting the second annual Research and Creative Activity at Appalachian (RECAPP) Event virtually the week of Septe...

Ethical & Regulatory Oversight of Research Involving Human Participants (IRB), Animals (IACUC), and Recombinant DNA; Export Control Regulations and the 免费外网加速器app; Protection of Intellectual Property; Responsible Conduct of Research

旋风加速器APP, 网页加速器, Power Analysis, Data Management/Archiving Plans for Grant Submissions, Results Sections, Final Reports
RECAPP: Research & Creative Activity at Appalachian
This annual event highlights all research, scholarship, and creative endeavors - funded and unfunded - of Appalachian Faculty and Staff. During the event, faculty and staff present posters, digital presentations, oral presentations, art, and/or performances.
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2023 Awardees
View Presenter Abstracts [PDF]

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Office of Student Research

Institute for Health and Human Services

University Foundation


International Ed & Development

Special Funds Accounting
Dr. Ece Karatan
Vice Provost for Research
John E. Thomas Building
Suite 382
PO Box 32174
Boone, NC 28608-2174
App State receives more than $600K from NSF in support of sea sponge research
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Dr. Cara Fiore, visiting assistant professor in Appalachian State University’s Depa...
Recruiting International Students
快帆加速器 - 海外华人穿梭回国 Classements d'appli et ...:Consulter l'historique des classements de téléchargement pour 快帆加速器 - 海外华人穿梭回国 en France. L'Historique des classements indique la popularité de 快帆加速器 - 海外华人穿梭回国 sur iOS app store et son évolution au fil du temps.
App State receives record number of Fulbright awards for faculty
A total of seven Appalachian State University faculty received Fulbright awards for 2023–20 as a result of the 2018 Fulbright competition: six as Fu...
$115k Awarded for Digital English Writing Center
Dr. Xiaorong Shao (BLIC), Mr. Allan Scherlen (BLIC), and Dr. Bret Zawilski (English) have been awarded $115,127 from the US Department of State. The g...
NEA grant supports 35th annual An Appalachian Summer Festival
BOONE, N.C. — In support of its arts and cultural programming, Appalachian State University has received a $15,000 grant from National Endowmen...
App State partners with Eastman Chemical Co. for NIOSH-funded study on data analytics and workplace safety
BOONE, N.C. — At Appalachian State University, the Human Resources (HR) Science Research Team — a group comprising faculty members and graduate st...
- 2015
- 2016
- 鲸鱼加速器app
Click on the locations identified below on this interactive Google map to read more about Appalachian research being conducted around the world.